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Impact Of Information On Public Participation In Cooperative Societies

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Background Of The Study

Information is paramount important in every aspect of life, without information knowledge will not be much in human endeavor in cooperation societies.

Information is very important to the generality of the public enlightment and education about cooperative and its activities not only cooperative societies but almost every knowledge in life is known.

Therefore, information has play a vital role or significant role, it is through information that individual, groups and society at large came to know about cooperative in the history of cooperative both old/traditional and the modern information.

Although there is certain level of public enlightment and information either by the government department of cooperative, corporate organization or some cooperative societies but evidenced has shown that level at which the information is being conveyed is not pretty enough because in Nigeria for example/inseance despite little difference in the south-south, south-east and the western part of the country about public participation in cooperative formation and activities.

It is still not enough compared to the developing nations, talk more of the northern part which we can say are still refer them as back-benchers in cooperative activities.

It is believed that there are factors hindering information to the public about cooperative participation which include: low government involvement in public aware, negligence of the government department of cooperative, mis-conception above cooperative as a way to boose the economy of a society and the nation at large to mention few, these will be the possible problem and tackle and address there will be a great public participation in the activities of the cooperative and even formation of new ones.

Statement of the Problem            

Cooperative federation are being formed/created to inform the public, or organize, coordinate and promote the activities of cooperative from the apex to primary bodies but this has not been the case over the year especially I our country Nigeria despite the movement effort by the government of establishing institution of cooperative, government department of cooperative in various ministries but still there still there are loop hole between the public and knowledge of cooperative and its activities.

Furthermore despite the above mentioned effort of the government that is still not enough yet, the so called corporate organization, foundations both at national and international level that propagate their programmes on poverty reduction or elimination have not shown concern about cooperative information to the public while it is believe generally that in one of the milestone in booseing individual, society or nation’s economy.

The existing cooperative societies are not doing much about the subject matter and this could be either due to lack of having adequate knowledge themselves or envy of other of not getting what they have gotten through cooperative or corruption all there can be among the factors. However if these problems and more should be address by each sector/segment involve i.e. play their role in solving a subject matter these will be much improvement if at all not eliminating it.

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Objectives of the Study

This research tends to find out the problems and achievement if the problems are solve on impact of information on public participation in cooperative societies.

The objective includes the following:

1. To determine the effectiveness of information on public participation in the cooperative societies.

2. To examine the level of information and enlightment of the public in cooperative information.

3. To find out factors hindering cooperative information to the populate.

4. To determine government participation in informing the populate about cooperative and it activities.

5. To know the extent at which corporate organization, existing societies have helped in public information and enlightment.

Research question

1. How is the effectiveness of information on public participation in the cooperative societies?

2. What is the level of information and enlightment of cooperative to the public?

3. What are the factors hindering cooperative information to the populate?

4. How is the government participating in informing the populate about cooperative and its activities?

5. To what extent is corporate organization and existing cooperative societies help in public information?

Significance of the study

This study finds out the impact of information on public participation to cooperative societies. The significance of the study and of magnitude cannot be over-emphasized. The government cooperative department, corporate organizations involved in cooperative activities, cooperative societies in particular and in-coming students as well as other researcher alike will find this study really significant especially as they utilize the findings.

To the government cooperative department and of course cooperate organizations involved in cooperative venture; the findings of this study will be used as a basis for enacting policies that will effectively regulate the activities of cooperative societies (so that the essence enlightening and forming cooperative societies).

Furthermore, members of the public who are interested in cooperatives will also use the results of this study as an insight into the formation of new societies or joining the existing ones. It contributes in creating more awareness in the inhabitants of the immediate community as regards the role of cooperatives in satisfying their social and economic needs and encourages them to take full advantage of the opportunity opened to them.

This research work will also serve as a reference material to the in-coming students.

Scope of the study

This study determines the impact of information on public participation in cooperative societies. An examination of how government, corporate bodies and existing cooperative societies will help in public enlightment about cooperative and it activities.

The study also covers an in depth examination of the possible problem that could be militating against the impact of information on public participation in cooperatives societies. This researcher work is restricted to federal radio corporation o Nigeria multipurpose cooperative society limited Kaduna; located at Yakubu Gowon way Kaduna north local government area of Kaduna states.

Definition of terms

Cooperative society: cooperative society is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural need and aspiration through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise I.C.A 1995.

Information: is that which informal in other, word, it is the answer to a question of some kind. It affects behavior, a decision or an outcome.

Public participation can be the process that directly engages the public in decision making.


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