For those who want to apply for Direct Entry in 2020, I decided to talk about this today due to volume of questions we keep receiving from students who are seeking admission but do not know what direct entry admission really means.
They continue to ask us questions such as what is the meaning of direct entry into University? who can apply for direct entry? is direct entry form available? what does direct entry into Nigerian Universities means and what are the admission requirements into direct entry in Nigerian University?.
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All about Direct Entry Application form – 2020/2021
To be sincere with you, all the questions above were few of the questions I was desperately in need of answers to when I was seeking admission and could not get one. I just wanted to run any program that has to do with University. So today, I will write a comprehensive post on the topic, so you wont have to disturb yourself again. The articles will answer the following questions:
- What is direct entry into Nigeria University
- Who can apply for direct entry
- What is direct entry admission requirements
- Is direct entry form still available
- What are the courses offered in direct entry
- Which school can I apply direct entry
So let Move on….
READ: Where to Buy Direct Entry Form (Approved DE Form Selling Points)
What Is The Meaning Of Direct Entry?
I’m very sure the issue of direct entry will only be new to students who just graduate from secondary school and have not gain admission into any higher institution before.
Direct Entry is a mode of entry into any Nigerian University directly to 200/300level. Usually, when you obtain UTME and sat for the exam, you can only gain admission into 100level, but if you obtain direct entry form and gain admission, you are to start from 200/300level. This depends on the entry qualification you used to gain admission. I will talk of the requirements later.
Can I Apply For Direct Entry?
Not everybody can apply for direct entry admission into University. Direct entry admission into any Nigerian University is for applicants who already had an additional certificate after their O’level. This means that, if you are a O’level holder without any additional certificate, you cannot apply.
READ: How to apply for Direct Entry (DE) Price and Necessary Documents
What Is University Direct Entry Admission Requirements?
To secure a direct entry admission into any Nigerian University, you must have O’level with five credit in relevant courses and you must have any of:
-, HND, ND, NCE, A’Level, IJMB, JUPEB, Midwifery and any other acceptation additional qualifications.
Which University Accept Direct Entry Application?
All Universities in Nigerian are meant to accept direct entry application from students and offer them admission. Though, I only know of one University that don’t accept direct entry applicants which is UNIPORT.
So apart from UNIPORT, all other Universities in Nigeria should accept direct entry weather they are Federal or State Universities or private.
What Are The Courses Offered In Direct Entry?
The answer is simple. Let me say, all the courses offer in UTME are also been offered In Direct entry. This means you can apply direct entry to any course. Simple.
Is Direct Entry Form Still Available? You want to know when direct entry form will be out?
Direct entry form, just like UTME form has its own time of release and closing date.
Direct entry form is always out around March to April every year and closes around July to August. So if you want to obtain direct entry into any Nigeria University, kindly look out for it as soon as UTME result is out every year. This is because JAMB will start selling direct entry form immediately UTME result is out.
Where Can I Obtain Direct Entry Form?
Direct entry scratch is solely sold by JAMB and its obtainable in banks too. Just like the case of UTME cards. When the form is out, you can get it in any bank selected bank and complete the form in the cafe.
Note: You don’t need to go to any University before you obtain your their direct entry form. Just get it from JAMB office or any selected bank that sells it, then fill it online. Thereafter, submit you document to Jamb office. Without submitting you direct entry form, Jamb will surely not process your admission.
What Other things do you wanna?
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I am a student of Olabisi Onabanjo university,I applied for Medicine and Surgery but was given Animal production,can I apply for direct entry after my first to another university to study medicine
Pls I need a reply
Please does university need Internal training
Is there any fee to pay to universities apart from d direct entry form?
Can a holder of a Bachelor’s degree obtained in 2006 apply for direct entry in 2020? Is there any restriction as regards the age of the certificate?
Hi, pls can someone with pass in ND apply for a direct entry?
Also what course can someone with Accounting switch off to?
Business admin. You can apply
Comment Text*if u are an nd holder for in public admin ,can u appy for Direct entry to study law in any university
Must I write utme before purchasing de form for uni ben
As I nce holder can I apply for partime for my direct entry and did I need to obtain jamdmb de Form to do that
I’m a three hundred level student in kogi state college of education can I apply for a direct entry this year
When someone fill in other diploma in DE form…hope it will not affect it
Hi am Verah
I want to study law but was given political science in a state university can I use my bsc result to apply for law in a federal university and do I have to write another O level exam to enable me do this
I am HND holder I want to study at UNN wat am I suppose to do?
i am n.c.e holder, i never sat for any jamb before, so i want to apply for direct entry, is it possible or is there any steps i have to take pls.
please can i use my nd cert. course nutrition and dietics to study pharmacology?
Please sir, is it possible to get direct entry to study medicine with n.c.e certificate of physics/integrated science?
It may be difficult to get that.
I have PGD in Hospitality Management. Pls which course is advisable to study and get level can that get me
Sorry Wil U I Accept 3.10 For Accounting D E
Comment Text*when can I submit my file to jamb office?
Sir, after buying D.E for, I notice that i did not get Jamb admission number or my JAMB ADMISSION NUMBER IS OUTDATED.. Can I switch to UTME without paying additional money to Jamb account? Using DE profile code and pin. Can it going to work?
You can’t switch. They are different. Kindly go for jamb regularisation
Comment Text*Pls am still expecting my ND result,won’t it be affected
You can wait a bit for your result… since direct entry form will close feb. 6th
can a person with only ND1 result go for direct entry
No…. You must complete it and apply with your ND cert.
am a ND holder and my school has not given me my ND result can i still apply for direct entry
Am a ND holder and Have nOt be given my ND result please can i still apply for direct entry
submission of document to jamb office will ite online or other wise
submission of document to jamb office will ite online or other wise
I Am an NCE holder with these Grades
Mathematics: D
Geography: B
Education: C
General Study:B
Teaching Prac. A
Is there any Federal University that will give me admission to study MATHEMATiCS or math and educ. Even 100L?
Why not economics education? Though, some universities will give you admission into math edu, but econs is at high chance.
My result is not yet out. pls sir can i apply for DE awaiting result? what is the minimum CGPA requirement for BUK, UNIAGRIC MAKURDI
When are you expecting your result? Hope it will meet up with the admission process.
what is the role of transcript in processing direct entry what i mean is, Is it compulsory that our institution send the transcript to the university we want to go.
Not all universities demand for transcript. Depends on the school you want to apply.
please what is the minimum cgpa in aaau
hello sir, please what is the minimum cgpa for Aaau?
pls how can I apply for lasu
Pls i am a 100l student of Human anatomy in FUTA.i recently lost interest in the course due to some factors but I am thinking if it is possible to cross over to another school to study nursing probably after 200l because there is no nursing in FUTA or pls wat do u think I should do
That may be difficult. But you can try UNILORIN transfer form when is out
Please what is the minimum cgpa for direct entry requirement for national diploma (ND) in Lagos State University (lasu)
Lower credit can apply.
Please what is the minimum cgpa of lasu,for ND direct entry student?
Please what is the minimum cgpa of lasu,for ND direct entry student?
Lower credit atleast
please, i am about to finish my NCE, but my result is not yet out…. i had 206 in my jamb can i proceed in obtaining a DE Form?
Are you talking of 2017 UTME? and when are you expecting your NCE result?
so that means after getting a nd degree, you can offer another course in the university. for example, you studied science lab. tech. or computer science in the poly, can u offer medicine using direct entry nd is it just buying the forms only? no exams???
You can only switch to a relate course… not just anyhow course. Some schools write exam while some don't.