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Glycemic Index Of Processed Finger Millet Food Product (Eleusine Coracana)

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Background: Increase in blood sugar above normal are not only dangerous, but can lead to a variety of scary health issues, like type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and inability to lose weight, and extreme fatigue.

finger millet do not contain gluten; hence they are appropriate food for those with celiac disease or other forms of allergies or wheat intolerance(Saravanan and Soam, 2010). Finger millet also has medicinal properties for the treatment of measles, colds, anemia and diarrhea (Sreenivasparsad,et al., 2004).

The fermented finger millet drink is used as a natural probotic treatment for diarrhea (Lei, Friis and Michealsen, 2006). Generally, it is important for the prevention and management of malnutrition , especially Kwashiorkor (Mgonja, et al.,2007) anaemia and osteoporosis.

Objectives: the objectives of this project were aimed at the production of food products from processed (roasted, fermented, and germinated) finger millet using standard method and also to determine the glycemic index of food products from processed (roasted, fermented, and germinated) finger millet

Methods: cross sectional survey in four randomly selected wards in yusuf dansoho memorial hospital, using semi structured questionnaire administered to Diabetic patients. Anova method was use to collate the data:

Result: investigation were undertaken towards the glycemic index of the various methods of processing finger millet. The three samples were given orally with the control. the blood tests were carried out.

It was observed that, the germinated sample has the highest mean glycemic index, (19.63), fermented (17.55), roasted(11.26) with the control figure of 13.12 for the tuwo sample. The germinated sample  also have the highest glycemic index in the pap sample.

Fermentation, Germination and Roasting  improves the major nutrient. Reduction in phytic acid, polyphenols, tannins, flavonoids. Increase in minerals, vitamins such as irons, calcium, potassium, zinc etc. and also phytochemicals.



(G.I) is defined as the measures of how quickly a particular food can raise blood sugar levels. This reaction is dependent on how high or low blood sugar can have a direct impact on whether or not your body is able to burn off unwanted fat (Lippincott Williams and Wilkins;2006).

Increase in blood sugar above normal are not only dangerous, but can lead to a variety of scary health issues, like type 2 diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease and inability to lose weight, and extreme fatigue.

Individual’s bodies react uniquely to different sources of carbohydrates. For example, a serving of high fiber brown rice result in lower blood glucose levels, compared with the same size serving of mashed potatoes. As Researchers has proven in the glucose response to various foods, is was noted as predicted, thus, developed 2 tools, the glycemic index and the glycemic load, to indicate how blood glucose responds to various foods.

The glycemic index (G.I) is a ratio of the blood glucose response of a given food, compared with a standard (typically, glucose or white bread). Glycemic index is influenced by a foods starch structure, fiber content, food processing, physical structure (small and large surface area), and temperature, as well as the amount of protein and fat in a meal.

Foods with particularly with high glycemic index values are potatoes, breads, Gatorade, short grain white rice, honey and jelly beans. A major short coming of the glycemic index is that it is based on a serving of food that will provide 50 grams of carbohydrate. However, this amount of food may not reflect the amount typically consumed.

Glycemic load (GL) takes into account the glycemic index and the amount of carbohydrate consumed, so it better reflect a foods effect on blood glucose than does the glycemic index alone. To calculate the glycemic load of a food, the numbers of grams of carbohydrate in 1 serving is multiplied by the foods glycemic index, then divide by 100 (because the glycemic index is a percentage). For example, vanilla wafers have a glycemic index of 77, and a serving of 5 cookies contains 15 g of carbohydrate. This yields a glycemic load of approximately 12.

Even though the glycemic index of vanilla wafers is considered high, the glycemic load calculation shows that the impact of this food on blood glucose levels is fairly low.

Foods with a high glycemic load elicit an increased insulin response from the pancreas and a resulting drop in blood glucose. These dramatic fluctuations in blood glucose can cause short and long term consequences in individuals with diabetes. Chronically,   high insulin output leads to many harmful effects on the body, such as high blood triglycerides, increased fat deposition in adipose tissue, increased fat synthesis in the liver, and a more rapid return of hunger after a meal.

Thus, increasing intake of lower glycemic load foods is often recommended as a part of a healthful diet, because food with a low glycemic load are often those that contain higher amounts of dietary fiber.  Consumption of high fiber diet may help reduce risk of cardiovascular  disease, metabolic syndrome, and certain cancers.

Use of the glycemic index and glycemic load remains somewhat controversial because researches have that, Nutritionally, neither tool indicates blood glucose responses when individual foods are eaten as a part of mixed meals. As most high glycemic foods are eaten in combination with low glycemic foods (e.g., rice cereal with milk, macaroni with cheese, bread with peanut butter), the glycemic index and glycemic load are often lower than the value given for these foods individually.



1.1 Statement of the Problem:-

Diabetes is one of the leading causes of death in the world.

Improper regulation or control of glycemic index can lead to diabetes and other metabolic syndrome such as overweight to obesity, risk of cardiovascular disease and other complications. An inability to regulate glucose metabolism can result in diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus and related disease including the risk factors are the leading cause of death worldwide (WHO,2010). Over 380 people are living with diabetes currently (  ) and the figure is expected to  increase from —– to ——- if action is not taken.

The major contributing factors are; are change of life style, lack of physical activities, obesity, beta cells malfunction , severe malnutrition in childhood which is referred to as malnutrition induced diabetes (IDF). Further more , there is an increase in the intake of refined food such as soft; dinks, fried food, sugar, processed food etc.

1.2  Justification

Currently most diabetes individuals are advice on the consumption of monotonous diet, thereby leading to complication faster than necessary. The final meal presented on the table is usually mixed with different component of food groups and the metabolism depends on what is consumed.

Carbohydrate foods and sugar are usually restricted which in most cases leads to acute wasting. Knowledge of metabolic pathway of different classes of food is important, especially carbohydrate and its effect and the various processing methods.

1.3 Aim And Objectives

The aim of this work is to determine the glycemic index of processed (Roasted, Germinated and Fermented) finger millet food products.

Specific objectives:

1. To identify the commonly consumed food products from finger

2. Production of food products from processed (roasted, fermented, and germinated) finger millet using standard method.

3. To determine the glycemic index of food products from processed (roasted, fermented, and germinated) finger millet.



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